Recognized Student Organization Officer Transition

Officer transition can be a time-consuming process, but an effective transition is a crucial element for the successful continuity of a Recognized Student Organization (RSO). Officer transition requires preparation and is the responsibility of both the outgoing and incoming officers. It is the time to pass on important organization information and skills, minimize confusion during leadership changeover, evaluate the past year, and set goals for the upcoming year.

Goals of Officer Transitions

  • Create a smooth transfer of leadership between RSO officers in order for the RSO to continue to function effectively
  • Orient new leaders to the procedures and operations of organization management
  • Review important files and organization resources
  • Provide advice and ideas and answer questions for incoming officers
  • Set short term and long term goals for the upcoming year
  • Evaluate the goals from the previous year and how you can learn from the outcome
  • Discuss changes that should be made to the current operations of the RSO
Tasks for an Outgoing Officer

  • Schedule a transition meeting with the incoming officer
  • Prepare documents to share with incoming officer (i.e. RSO constitution/bylaws, roster, committee lists, budget)
  • Compile agendas and meeting minutes for incoming officer’s reference
  • List any relevant online access/logins and any other relevant materials
  • Compile a list of helpful contacts including the RSO advisor
  • Give admin access to RSO WaveSync portal as needed
  • Brainstorm ideas for goal setting and action plans for the upcoming year

As the outgoing officer, consider the following items in preparation for your transition meeting:

  • What is the purpose of my office?
  • List 3 items during your term that you think were most important.
  • List 3 items during your term that were the most challenging.
  • List 3 “pieces of advice” for your incoming officer.
  • List 3 things you would have improved upon or done differently.
  • What do you wish you would have known when you began your term?
Tasks for an Incoming Officer

  • Brainstorm goals and ideas for the upcoming year
  • Confirm transition meeting time with the outgoing officer
  • Brainstorm a list of questions for the outgoing officer
  • Review materials provided by outgoing officer during transition meeting
  • Develop follow-up questions as needed
  • Send an introduction to important contacts including the RSO advisor

As the incoming officer, consider the following items in preparation for your transition meeting:

  • What aspect of your position are you most excited for?
  • What aspect of your position are you most nervous about?
  • What 3 things you want to accomplish in your position?
  • What do you think you will need the most help with?
  • What questions do you have for your outgoing officer?


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