Start a Recognized Student Organization/Chartering Process

Any group of 10 or more Tulane students desiring to establish a student organization may apply to become an Recognized Student Organization (RSO) at Tulane University. The process for chartering an RSO is listed below.

Please note that the registration process for new Recognized Student Organizations in the 2024-2025 academic has closed.  The registration process will open again in the 2025-2026 academic year on September 1, 2025.

Step 1

Search the list of RSOs at Tulane to determine if a similar organization exists. If so, explore if you can join the similar RSO or determine what would make your proposed RSO distinctive.  Duplicative organizations will be denied.

Step 2

Apply for recognition via the Register An Organization Form on WaveSync.

  • Log in to WaveSync
  • Select “Organizations”
  • Select “Register An Organization”
  • Select "Register a New Organizaton"
  • Select "Recognized Student Organization"
  • You will need the following information to complete the form:
  • Follow the prompts to enter your organization information.

Step 3

New organization requests will be reviewed in the order they are received by the LBC Assistant Director of Recognized Student Organizations for completion of all required materials. The request will then be directed to the appropriate sponsoring entity (if necessary) - Center for Intercultural Life CAC (Council Allocation Committee), Club Sports CAC, Center for Public Service CAC, LBC CAC, Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA), Office of Fraternity and Sorority Programs (OFSP), or university department for further review and approval.

  • Recognized Student Organization request: The proposed organization application will be reviewed by the LBC Assistant Director of Recognized Student Organizations and student representatives for approval.  Your application will ask for you to answer the questions below.  If further explanation is needed the group will reach out to you for clarification:
    • The purpose of the proposed organization
    • The activities/programs of the proposed organization
    • The organizational structure of the proposed organization
    • The recruitment plan of the proposed organization and the expressed interest in the organization at this point
    • What your organization will do to make Tulane a more inclusive community
    • How you plan to sustain the proposed organization financially


  • General Recognized Student Organization: The LBC Assistant Director of Recognized Student Organizations and student representatives will conduct an organizational review and forward any CIL/Club Sports/CPS organizations to that specific CAC for approval.
  • GAPSA sponsored student organization: GAPSA sponsored student organizations will be reviewed by the GAPSA Executive Board.
  • OFSP sponsored student organization: All OFSP sponsored student organizations must complete the expansion process directed by the OFSP. For more information, contact the OFSP at 504-314-2160.
  • Department sponsored student organization: The proposed organization will be reviewed by the proposed advisor and director of the corresponding university department. The advisor and director will determine approval and sponsorship of the organization.

Step 4

If the proposed organization receives recognition, the LBC Assistant Director of Recognized Student Organizations will approve the Register An Organization Form on WaveSync. The organization president and advisor will also be emailed introductory resources to get started as an organization at Tulane.

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