Student Activity Fee Funding

Student Activity Fee

The student body at Tulane assesses itself with a Student Activity Fee to support its activities. The Student Activity fee entitles students to participate in or attend supported activities, admission to many intercollegiate athletic contests, movies, lectures, andmore.

Student Activity Fee Allocations Council

The Student Activity Fee Allocations Council allocates student activity fees to enable and empower a student-created and led, thriving community of Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) and student experience for all students. In alignment with our EDI statement, the SAFAC applies equitable funding decisions to represent the interest of the undergraduate students and enhances campus life by supporting the mission and values of Tulane.

The SAFAC distributes funds annually to Allocation Committees and the Graduate and Professional Student Association.  The SAFAC also distributed funding as needed through the Reserve Funding Projects.  

  • The Student Activity Fee Allocations Council shall consist of the following voting and non-voting members  
  • SAFAC Co-Chair, elected by the Tulane Undergraduate Assembly, shall serve as co-chair and vote only in the case of a tie
  • SAFAC Co-Chair, Assistant Vice President for Campus Life, Division of Student Affairs, a non-voting member who shall serve as co-chair
  • One student from each of the student organization Allocation Committees as a voting member  
  • One undergraduate student at large selected by but not from the Tulane Undergraduate Assembly
  • One graduate or professional student at large selected by but not from GAPSA
  • Three advisors whose membership on the committee rotates annually within the Allocation Committees
Allocations Committees

The Student Activity Fee Allocations Council distributes funds annually to four Allocation Committees (AC):

  • Center for Intercultural Life (CIL) Allocation Committee
  • Center for Public (CPS) Service Allocation Committee
  • Club Sports Allocation Committee
  • Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC) Allocation Committee

Each Allocation Committee works with designated student organizations for annual budgets, first-time. budgets, travel funding, and more.  The Allocation Committee also manages the payment, reimbursement, and deposit processes for their student organizations.

Travel Funds


Reserve Funds

Reserve funds are for one-time capital improvements, projects to improve the campus community, or major equipment purchases that do not fall under the purview of an annual budget. Student organizations may apply to the Student Affairs Fee Allocation Council for reserve funds. Click here for more information and instructions on how to apply.

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