Rental Rates Information

Unsure of what your rental rate will be? 

Tulane Host

If you are a Tulane Department or Organization, your rental rate is dependent on your participant affiliation...

"100% Tulane Faculty, Staff, Student Attendees" or "No Fee"
Event hosted by a Tulane Recognized Student Organization or university department in which all attendees are Tulane students, faculty, or staff

"More than 51% Non-Tulane Faculty, Staff, Student Attendees" or "University Rate"
Event hosted by a Tulane Recognized Student Organization or university department in which 51% or more attendees are non-Tulane affiliates

Non-Tulane Host

If you are not a Tulane Department or Organization, your rental rate is dependent on your status...

"Standard Rate"
Event hosted by a non-Tulane affiliate including for-profit organizations or individuals

"Non-Profit Rate"
Event hosted by a non-profit organization who can provide documentation of 501(c)(3) status