


Alcohol is not allowed in the LBC with the exception of catered events per the University Alcohol Policy.

Amplified Sound

Amplified sound inside of the LBC is allowed for reserved events with the approval of the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations. Amplified sound at a booth space must be at a reasonable level as to not disturb retail operations or neighboring booths.  Amplified sound is defined as any sound that is broadcasted through electronically amplified equipment or sound that is electronically enhanced.  Additionally, any live music without the use of amplified equipment that is loud enough to impact the academic environment would be considered amplified sound.

Amplified sound in areas outside of the LBC, including Gorson Porch and Pocket Park, must adhere to the university Amplified Sound Policy.


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students, faculty, staff, and visitors are allowed to bring service animals into the LBC. The LBC recommends that anyone with a service animal contact the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility for campus resources and registration. Non-service animals, including emotional support animals, are not allowed in the LBC.

Animals may not be left unattended in or around the LBC including exterior spaces such as Gorson Porch or Pocket Park.


No bicycles are permitted in the LBC. Bicycles should be locked to bike racks located outside the LBC. Bicycles may not be chained to railings, columns, benches, or other structures. Bicycles that are unattended in the building or chained to prohibited structures may be surrendered to TUPD.

Building Equipment & Furniture

No equipment or furniture is to be altered or removed from the LBC without prior written permission from the LBC Associate Director of Facilities. Organizations that lose or break equipment will be assessed a replacement or repair fee by the LBC.   

Campus Demonstrations

Tulane University’s purpose is to create, communicate and conserve knowledge in order to enrich the capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities to think, to learn, and to act and lead with integrity and wisdom. In service to this purpose, Tulane recognizes the critically important historical and current role civil disobedience serves in evolving our democracy. From global, national, state, and local human rights to specific Tulane policies, procedures, and practices, the act of protest and demonstration has led to our collective evolution.  Therefore, we are committed to creating and protecting an environment in which a variety of ideas can be freely expressed, critically examined, and made with respect for the dignity and freedom of others.
The Demonstration Guidelines are intended to protect the rights of those involved in the demonstration, others in the University community, and the University from disruption to teaching, research, administrative procedures, or other activities.
In order to ensure space, safety, and support for demonstrations and demonstrators, events must be registered at least two business days prior to the proposed demonstration date Demonstrations must be registered at least two business days prior to the proposed demonstration date via the Demonstration Registration Form on WaveSync. It is recommended that demonstration organizers register the demonstration as early as possible if it is anticipated that significant preparations may have to be made in advance of the demonstration.

Conflict of Interest

Tulane University has established contractual agreements with retail and service providers located within the LBC. University departments, Recognized Student Organizations, or individuals/community groups are prohibited from providing or selling services or products that violate these existing agreements. Potential conflicts of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following services:

  • Banking
  • Bookstore
  • Catering or food/beverage service
  • Computer/Technology equipment
  • Copy/Printing Center

If you have questions regarding this agreement please contact Campus Services at (504) 862-8064.

Donation Boxes

Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) and/or university departments may place one donation box in the LBC for a period up to 7 days.  Donation boxes must be placed in one of the designated locations as indicated on the Donation Box Request Form. Perishable food items and/or medications are not allowed to be collected for donation. Donation boxes may not exceed 22”x22”.  The donation organizer is responsible for monitoring donations, ensuring that donation boxes do not overflow or become unsightly, and removal/donation of items.  The LBC is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage of donation items.  All items must be picked up by 11:00 pm on the last day of donation collection.

The donation box must be labeled with the following information:

  • what items are being collected
  • what RSO or university department is sponsoring the collection
  • what/who is benefiting from the donations
  • dates the donation box will be in the LBC

If items are not picked up by the designated time, items may be disposed of by the LBC and the sponsoring RSO or university department will lose donation collection privileges for a period of up to 16 weeks.


Permission is required for all commercial filming activity, including photography or video, at Tulane University. Click here for the guidelines for filming. Contact the Office of Public Relations at 504-865-5210 or pr@tulane.edu to request permission to film on campus.  If filming is approved in the LBC, no furniture, equipment, or artwork may be removed from the LBC.  Any furniture, equipment, or artwork rearranging or removal within the LBC must be approved by the LBC Associate Director of Facilities.  If approved, the requesting organization is responsible for all set-up and returning the space to its original configuration.  Please note that this may require hiring Facilities Services staff to assist.  If a dressing room is needed, an additional room reservation is required at the expense of the requesting organization.  Public spaces may not be used as dressing rooms.

Fire Safety

The LBC is equipped with a system of smoke detectors tied into the main building alarm. In the event that a fire alarm sounds, all patrons and tenants must proceed immediately to the nearest building exit. Once outside the building, patrons will be asked to move to an area at least 100 feet from the exterior of the building. All building occupants must remain outside of the building until TUPD has given the all-clear signal, and the building is reopened. Open flames, including incense and candles, are prohibited by Fire Code. Organizations requiring the use of candles during formal functions may purchase battery-operated "candles."

Freight Elevator

The freight elevator is for authorized use only including LBC tenants and approved vendors.  The freight elevator may be requested for moving equipment for events held in the LBC.  To request use of the freight elevator, contact the LBC Associate Director of Facilities.


Gambling of any nature is prohibited in the LBC.


The LBC is not designed for running, jumping, climbing, or any other disruptive activities/horseplay.  Patrons who engage in this behavior inside of the LBC, on Gorson Porch, or in Pocket Park may be asked to leave.

Lost and Found

The LBC operates the University Lost and Found at the Information Desk located on the first floor. If the owner can be identified he/she will be contacted via phone and/or e-mail. If you would like to find out if a lost item has been turned in, please call 504-865-5190, inquire at the Information Desk, or inquire at the LBC office in LBC Suite 218.  Please note the following guidelines regarding lost and found items:

  • Items that are not claimed within 30 days will be either disposed of or donated
  • Driver’s licenses, bank cards, and other forms of identification will be shredded after the 30-day period
  • Tulane ID cards will be returned to Campus Services Customer Engagement office located in LBC Suite 107
  • Water bottles, food, or medication will not be accepted at the Lost and Found
  • Items left unattended in the LBC will be considered lost.  These items will be logged into the Lost and Found and subject to the Lost and Found guidelines.

Personal or Organization Property

The LBC is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal or organizational property. Guests should take appropriate care of such items.  


The LBC provides a variety of options to post information including banners, bulletin boards, digital displays, and table tents.  Special requests, including window painting, must be submitted to the LBC Associate Director of Facilities for approval and could incur additional fees.  Click here for more information on posting guidelines and procedures.  Postings that have not been reserved/approved may be removed and discarded.  Postings are not allowed on any doors or windows of the LBC. 


Only approved publications may be distributed in the public spaces of the LBC. The newspaper racks located at the front entrance are designated for The Hullabaloo student newspaper.  

Skates, Roller Blades, Skateboards, Scooters, and Hoverboards

The use of skates, roller blades, skateboards, scooters, and hoverboards is not permitted in the LBC.


Tulane University is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking, and the use of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaporizers, are prohibited on all university property. Click here to learn more about the policy.

Window Painting & Clings

Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) and university departments may request to paint windows or post window clings on select first-floor LBC windows.  Paint/clings may be posted for up to 14 days.  To request window painting/clings, contact the LBC Associate Director of Facilities.  A description/purpose of the window painting/cling will be required.  Only paint/cling materials approved by the LBC may be used.  The RSO or department will be responsible for all related cleaning costs and removal of clings (if applicable).  The LBC reserves the right to deny paint/cling requests or to remove paint/cling if needed.  


Events and Reservations

Event Reservations

Reservation requests for one-time events in the LBC should be submitted via EMS at least three weeks prior to the proposed event date.  Requests will not be accepted less than two business days prior to the proposed event date.  Reservation requests for recurring events must be submitted via EMS after November 1 for the spring semester and after April 1 for the summer and fall semesters.  Recurring events are defined as events that repeat daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.  Reservation requests must include set-up details including diagrams if applicable.  Reservations will not be confirmed until set-up details are complete.   

Space in the LBC and Commons may be reserved for meetings and events.  The LBC and Commons may not be reserved as classroom space, study group space, individual office/conference call space, or weekly religious services space.  Recognized Student Organizations may not reserve space during the final exam period.  University holidays may require building closure and no reservations will be booked during that time.

Event Classifications & Reservation Rates

All reservations in the LBC fall under one of four event rate classifications: no-fee or university rate.

  • No-fee: Event hosted by a Tulane Recognized Student Organization or university department in which all attendees are Tulane students, faculty, or staff
  • University rate: Event hosted by a Tulane Recognized Student Organization or university department in which 51% or more attendees are non-Tulane affiliates

View the rental rates for event spaces in the LBC here.  

Reservation Cancellations & No-Shows

All meeting, booth, or banner spaces in the LBC must be reserved via EMS at least two business days prior to the event date. It is recommended that reservations requests are submitted at least two weeks prior to the event date.  A reservation reminder will be sent via email to the event organizer two weeks prior to the event. A notice to cancel, if needed, is included in the reminder. If an event is booked less than two weeks prior to the event, the event organizer will not receive an additional reminder. Reservations may be canceled, without penalty, at least 1 business day prior to the event.  Reservations may be canceled in EMS or by emailing the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations

If a reservation has not been canceled and the event space is not utilized, the sponsoring department or organization is considered a “no-show”.  The penalty for “no show” events are listed below:

  • The first “no show” will result in a warning issued to the sponsoring department or organization.  If the event organizer is a Recognized Student Organization (RSO), the warning will also be sent to the RSO Advisor.
  • The second “no show” will result in the sponsoring department or organization losing scheduling privileges for a period of two weeks. All reservations within the two-week window will be canceled.
  • The third no show will result in the sponsoring department or organization losing its scheduling privileges for a period of eight weeks. All reservations within the eight-week window will be canceled.

After-Hours Events

An “after-hours” event is defined as an event with an end time after 10:00 pm or overnight events.  In addition to the LBC general reservation policies, the following policies apply to Recognized Student Organizations (RSO), university departments, and community individual/groups hosting after-hours events in the LBC:

  • The RSO, university department, or community individual/group must contact the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations at least 21 days prior to the event to request an after-hours event. 
  • To ensure the safety of the sponsoring organization and guests, a Special Event Request Form must be submitted to TUPD at least 21 days prior to the event to evaluate the need for police presence at the event.  See the Special Event Request Form and Guidelines for Required Police Presence at Events.
  • Depending on the nature of the event, additional custodial fees may be required.  The need for custodial fees will be assessed by the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations and LBC Associate Director of Facilities in consultation with Facilities Services. 

The LBC reserves the right to deny or adjust an after-hours event if necessary.

Finals Period Events

Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) are permitted to reserve meeting rooms during the finals period for study sessions and study breaks, exclusively for RSO members. Each RSO may book one room per day for a maximum duration of four hours. Please note that RSOs are not allowed to host any programs or events during the finals period.


Events may include decorations inside of the reserved event space.  Requests for decorations that extend beyond the event space must be included in the reservation request event description and approved by the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations.  Decorating and the removal of decorations must occur during the duration of your reservation.  The LBC is not responsible for decorations not removed at the end of the reservation.  Items not removed may be disposed of and could result in an additional custodial fee at the discretion of the LBC Associate Director of Facilities.

If you need to attach decorations to the ceiling, walls, doors, or furniture, you may use painters tape or Command strips (these are not provided by the LBC).  Stickers may not be adhered directly to surfaces.

The following decorations/items may not be used for events in the LBC:

  • Duct tape/Packing tape
  • Glue
  • Nails/Thumbtacks
  • Glitter
  • Confetti
  • Smoke/Fog/Bubble Machines
  • Candles/Oil Lamps/Incense

Event organizers may consult with the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations regarding proposed decorations. 

Equipment Checkout

The LBC checks out a limited amount of equipment such as clickers, laptops, conference phones, and easels for meetings and events held in the LBC.  A current Tulane ID, driver’s license, or state ID may be used to check out equipment.  The ID will remain with LBC staff until the equipment is returned. 

Food Service

Tulane Catering has exclusive rights for all Recognized Student Organization (RSO) and university department events held in the LBC.  To arrange catering for your event, contact Tulane Catering at (504)865-5254 or tulanecatering@tulane.edu.  RSOs may review the Meeting & Event Catering Policy for details on catering for closed meetings or requesting an exemption for an event.


Tulane University faculty, staff, departments, and Recognized Student Organizations (“Tulane constituents”) may not reserve a facility on behalf of or for use by an outside/unaffiliated group, organization, or individual. This conduct constitutes “fronting” and is prohibited. University employees or students who engage in fronting in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.  This does not mean that Tulane constituents are prohibited from making reservation inquiries on behalf of an outside/unaffiliated group, organization, or individual. Rather, Tulane constituents are prohibited from reserving a facility under the guise, whether intentional or not, that the reservation is for the primary benefit of a Tulane constituent.  The LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations may deny or rescind permission to use any LBC or outdoor/quad/tabling space if it is determined that the reservation is fronting for an outside/unaffiliated group, organization, or individual.  See the full University policy at https://risk.tulane.edu/sites/default/files/Policy-On-Use-Of-University-Facilities-For-Non-University-Events.pdf

Off-Campus Vendors

Off-campus vendors are permitted in the LBC at no charge if in partnership with a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) or University department.  A representative from the RSO or University department must accompany the vendor at all times.  The names of the vendor and the sponsoring organization or department must be clearly displayed within their reserved areas. The vendor must remain within their reserved area and may not approach facility patrons or solicit door-to-door. 


All vehicles parked on Tulane’s Uptown campus between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:30 pm, Monday-Friday, are required to display a University Parking Permit or park in a metered parking place. To obtain a visitor parking pass or to arrange parking for an event, contact Campus Services at 504-865-5441 or visit them in LBC 107.  

Qatar Ballroom Balcony Policy

The Qatar Ballroom balcony may be used in conjunction with events reserved in the Qatar Ballroom only.  Requests to use the balcony must be submitted with the reservation request.  Capacity for the balcony is 174.  The event organizer is responsible for ensuring that use of the balcony does not go over capacity.  Tables and chairs are not permitted on the balcony unless special permission is granted by the LBC Assistant Director of Events & Reservations.  No glass is permitted on the balcony.  No items may be thrown from the balcony.  Doors to the balcony may not be propped open at any time during an event.  The LBC reserves the right to deny use of the balcony before or during an event (i.e. inclement weather).


Police presence may be required at certain events. To ensure the safety of the sponsoring organization and guests, a Special Event Request Form must be submitted to TUPD at least 21 days prior to the event to evaluate the need for police presence at the event.  

Set Up Times

The LBC determines the amount of time necessary to set up for events.  Setups may not be changed during an event.  Only LBC and Facilities Services staff (if applicable) are allowed to move equipment and furniture in the building. LBC staff will not set up furniture provided by an outside vendor.


Materials for events may not be shipped to the LBC prior to an event.


Materials may not be stored in the LBC overnight or between events unless the reservation is ongoing in the same room.  The LBC is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal or organizational property. 

Video/DVD Showings and Federal Copyright Law

Federal law prohibits the public display of copyrighted material. This includes videos and DVDs that may be purchased or rented. A public display would be considered any showing outside of someone’s home.  To avoid copyright violations, event organizers must obtain the proper license to show copyrighted material.  A license is required for all public performances regardless of whether admission is charged. The personal rental, purchase, lending or download of a movie does not provide the right to exhibit it publicly outside the home unless the screening is properly licensed.  Licenses are valid for a specific, designated time frame and crowd size. There are no annual licenses available to colleges and universities. For questions or assistance in obtaining a license, contact the LBC Associate Director of Programming.